Advisory Board

GoInwards is fortunate to have access to a number of subject matter experts, thought-leaders, consultants, educators, industry professionals and researchers that focus on sustainable socio-economic development. Our advisory board comprises of notable members from the academia, research institutes, public and private sector entities that enable us to gain global perspectives, and capitalize on partnerships for research and program development.

Dr. Ashutosh Guleri

Panchakarma & Ayurveda Expert

Dr. Ashutosh Guleri is a Panchakarma Expert, Ayurveda Training Expert, and the Center Manager at Kayakalp India, a Himalayan Research Institute of Yoga Naturopathy. As part of the Vivekananda Medical Research Trust, Dr. Guleri administers the delivery of an integrated system of treatments through Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Naturopathy, Panchkarma, Physiotherapy, Acupressure, Magneto-therapy, Diet therapy, and Colon Hydrotherapy.

Kenneth D. Rogers

Deputy Chief Information Officer

U.S. Department of State

Ken is serving as the Chief Technology Strategist and Sr. Executive Director for Strategy, Architecture, Portfolio Management, and IRM-Financial Management for the Department of State. Prior to that Ken served as CIO and Chief Architect at the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate. In addition, Ken served as Chief Enterprise Architect/ Strategist at the US Department of Commerce and served as the eCommerce Strategist at the US Export-Import Bank. He has extensive experience working with large multinationals, US & foreign government agencies, non-profit organizations, and small business start-ups. As an international management consultant and an adjunct graduate professor, he worked with the aerospace and commercial electronics industry, where he managed projects in Asia, Africa, the America’s, and Central & Eastern Europe. He holds a BA in Economics from Westmont College and multiple advanced degrees in Information Systems, Management, International Management, and Science & Technology Policy.

Dr. James W. Conroy

Founder & President

Center for Outcome Analysis

Graduating cum laude from Yale University in 1970 with a BA in Physiological Psychology, Dr. Conroy began his career doing research on the impacts of the Developmental Disabilities Act of 1970. He received his MA in Sociology/Program Evaluation and Ph.D. in Medical Sociology from Temple University in 1992. While at Temple University, he was the Principal Investigator and designer of the Pennhurst Longitudinal Study, the largest study ever done up to that time on the topic of moving people with developmental disabilities from institutions to small community homes. Since then, Dr. Conroy has directed more than a dozen similar longitudinal studies in other states. He has been responsible for more than 250 formal research reports to government agencies and foundations, as well as more than 30 articles in scholarly journals and 10 book chapters. His works have been publicized on CBS 60 Minutes, ABC Nightline, public television, public radio, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Chicago Tribune, and The New York Times.

Dr. Larry Seidilitz

Researcher & Scholar

Indian Psychology Institute

Larry is a practitioner and scholar of the spiritual philosophy and yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He has been actively involved in writing and editing work related to this subject for more than 15 years, as well as guiding students in the subject. Presently his work focuses on a research project investigating the experience of Integral Yoga in four fields of professional endeavor, in collaboration with the Indian Psychology Institute in Pondicherry. For the past 16 years, he has been working with the Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research (SACAR) in Pondicherry which provides programs of study and research on Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s thought and vision. He is also the editor of Collaboration, a journal on the Integral Yoga, and does freelance editing of books related to Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision. For two years he worked with Auroville Today, writing articles for Auroville’s monthly news magazine. He has published two books on the Integral Yoga, one called Transforming Lives and the other called Integral Work at Work. His scholarly work on Integral Yoga has been built on a foundation of academic study, teaching, research and writing in the fields of psychology and psychiatry.

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