Aligning Passion with Purpose: My Journey from Management Consulting to Global Yoga Advocate

As I sit here on my birthday, reflecting on the journey that has brought me to this moment, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and wonder. Birthdays are often times of introspection—a moment to look back at the paths we’ve walked and to dream about the roads that lay ahead. This year, my heart swells with the realization of how profoundly my life has transformed. From the fast-paced, high-stakes world of management consulting to embracing my true passion for yoga, I’ve discovered that aligning passion with purpose is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. It’s a gift that has filled my life with a sense of meaning, joy, and fulfillment that words can barely capture.

The Hamster Wheel

Not so long ago, my life was vastly different. I was a successful management consultant, deeply entrenched in a world of corporate achievements. On the surface, it seemed like I had everything I could want, yet deep down, there was a void—a gnawing sense that something essential was missing. My days were a relentless cycle, like a hamster wheel that kept spinning, but led nowhere. Early mornings blurred into long hours, and evenings were consumed by the endless demands of work. The joy and tranquility that yoga once brought me had become a distant memory, a sidelined hobby overshadowed by the pressures of my career.

Every day felt like a repetition of the last, leaving me feeling disconnected from my true self, yearning for something more—something that would ignite my spirit and bring me back to life.

Reconnecting with My Passion

It was during one of those quiet nights of reflection, when the world was still and my thoughts were loud, that I began to ask myself some important questions:

What truly excites me? The answer was undeniable—yoga. It wasn’t just a physical practice; it was a source of deep joy, a wellspring of inner peace that had always resonated with my soul. What are my interests? I found myself drawn to the holistic aspects of yoga, especially mindfulness and the profound benefits it offers for mental and physical well-being. What brings me joy? The moments spent practicing and teaching yoga were the most fulfilling experiences of my life, moments when I felt truly alive.

These answers were a revelation. My passion for yoga wasn’t just a fleeting interest—it was a calling, a path that beckoned me to follow it with my whole heart.

Defining My Purpose

With this newfound clarity, I realized that I needed to define my purpose. Purpose is what gives our actions meaning, guiding us toward a mission that is greater than ourselves. To discover mine, I delved deep into my values:

What do I truly value? Promoting holistic health and well-being through yoga stood at the core of my beliefs. What impact do I want to make? I envisioned how yoga could transform lives by improving mental and physical health, reducing stress, and fostering a deeper connection to oneself. What is my mission? My purpose became crystal clear: to advocate for the benefits of yoga on a global scale, helping others experience its transformative power.

Setting Clear Goals

With my passion and purpose aligned, I knew that I needed clear goals to guide my journey. I set out with a renewed sense of direction, determined to make a meaningful impact:

Traveling the World: I aimed to share the efficacy of yoga as a mindful-based practice for holistic health with people around the globe. Launching Together with Michael Landry, I co-founded this NGO to bring yoga and mindfulness programs to underserved communities, making holistic health accessible to all. Offering Workshops and Retreats: I planned to conduct workshops and retreats, sharing my knowledge and experience with diverse audiences. Embracing Minimalism: To fully immerse myself in this journey, I adopted a minimalist lifestyle, simplifying my possessions to focus on what truly matters.

Leveraging My Skills from Management Consulting

My background in management consulting wasn’t left behind; instead, it became a valuable asset in my new path. The skills I honed in strategic planning, problem-solving, and writing concept papers were instrumental in enhancing my impact. I used these skills to:

Introduce Programs in Schools: I crafted programs that integrated yoga and mindfulness into school curriculums, helping students develop emotional resilience and focus. Implement Programs in Healthcare: I designed wellness programs for healthcare settings, emphasizing the benefits of yoga for stress reduction and mental health. Develop Corporate Wellness Initiatives: I created corporate wellness programs, promoting mindfulness and yoga as tools for improving employee well-being and productivity.

These initiatives, supported by detailed concept papers, allowed me to bring the benefits of yoga to various sectors, amplifying my impact in ways I had never imagined.

Creating a Strategic Plan

To turn my vision into reality, a strategic plan was essential. I mapped out the steps needed to achieve my goals:

Organizing International Workshops: I scheduled workshops in various countries, building a network of yoga enthusiasts and advocates. Securing Resources: I planned for travel arrangements, fundraising for, and marketing materials needed to support my mission. Setting Timelines and Milestones: I created a timeline for my travels, workshop dates, and progress milestones for the NGO.

This plan kept me focused, organized, and motivated, turning my passion into a global mission that was both impactful and deeply fulfilling.

Overcoming Challenges

The journey wasn’t without its challenges. The hamster wheel of self-doubt, financial pressures, and fear of failure were persistent hurdles. But I was determined to overcome them:

Building Resilience: I remained committed to my vision, navigating setbacks with a positive mindset and a deep belief in my mission. Seeking Support: Michael Landry’s partnership was instrumental. His belief in my vision and unwavering support accelerated the progress of our mission. Managing Fears: I practiced self-compassion, focusing on the progress I was making and the positive impact I was creating, rather than dwelling on potential failures.

A Serendipitous Encounter

During this transformative journey, I find myself blessed with the support of Michael Landry, a kindred spirit who shares my vision for a better world. Michael’s unwavering belief in my mission and his invaluable guidance accelerate my path, helping me to overcome obstacles and reach new heights. His presence in my life feels like a serendipitous gift, empowering me to push beyond my limits and embrace my true potential. Together, we co-founded, our shared dream turning into a reality that amplifies the impact of our work.

Celebrating Progress

As I look back on this journey, I realize the importance of celebrating the progress I’ve made:

Acknowledging Milestones: From successful workshops and program launches to the growth of, each milestone has been a step forward in our mission. Reflecting on Impact: Observing how our advocacy has helped others embrace yoga and improve their well-being has been incredibly rewarding. Enjoying Personal Growth: Embracing this journey has not only allowed me to live my purpose but has also been a path of profound personal growth.


As I celebrate another year of life, I am reminded of the immense power of aligning passion with purpose. My journey from management consulting to becoming a global yoga advocate and co-founder of is a testament to the transformative impact of following one’s true calling. By identifying what excites me, defining my deeper mission, setting clear goals, and creating a strategic plan, I was able to escape the monotony and find true fulfillment.

This journey has been the greatest gift I could have given myself—a gift that continues to bring joy, meaning, and purpose to every moment of my life. And so, as I reflect on my birthday, I encourage you to embrace your passions, align them with your purpose, and let them guide you to a life of fulfillment, success, and holistic well-being. This is the gift that will keep giving, enriching your life in ways you never thought possible.

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