Where to go?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a perplexing situation as it prohibits us from traveling freely and going anywhere, where the public at-large is used to convening for edutainment or work. In this period of pervasive uncertainty, we can’t go the movies or favorite cafe, hang out at the mall, badge into the office, or venture into the usual array of public places. Instead, we are now forced to indefinitely confine ourselves indoors embracing virtual reality, cohabitating with digital devices, or interfacing with family members dwelling under the same roof.

So, the paradox of where should we go to encounter new people for shared experiences to be posted on our Instagram is overshadowed by the monotony of a day-to-day routine that lacks the titillating /splendiferous adventure of our pre-pandemic world. This ultimately gives rise to a desire towards a number of frivolous thoughts. Given this state of affairs, some may think that perhaps its’ about time that we learn how to pause for a moment to find a way to level up and ‘Go inwards.’ As you take time for cerebral reflections, this can be achieved by practicing calm meditative techniques that helps mitigate the stressors that trigger anxiety.

In addition to these social constraints, a lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and chronic stress further compounds the threat towards our peace of mind and general wellbeing. These factors create adverse co-morbid conditions that are known to worsen during periods of restrictive or protracted confinement. In this state, our natural instincts are paralyzed and our ability to act astutely are frozen. To restore the equilibrium and sustain wellbeing, it is imperative that we find effective ways to reset our spiritual balance and embark on ‘The journey within.’

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