Yoga Teacher Training

GoInwards 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) is meticulously crafted to prepare participants to become certified yoga teachers through Yoga Alliance. This rigorous program delves into fundamental elements such as yoga philosophy, anatomy, asanas, pranayama, meditation, and teaching methodologies. Led by experienced instructors, the course prioritizes practical experience in sequencing, alignment techniques, adjustments, and effective communication. Participants engage in a supportive environment that fosters personal growth and community building. Graduates emerge with a comprehensive skill set and a globally recognized certification, empowering them to confidently and professionally teach yoga worldwide.


  1. Proficiency in Asanas: Achieve a thorough understanding and ability to perform and instruct various yoga postures.
  2. Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology: Gain insight into the functioning of the body and the impact of yoga on it.
  3. Understanding Yoga Philosophy and Ethics: Study the philosophical foundations of yoga, including key texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
  4. Mastery of Pranayama and Meditation: Develop skills in breathing techniques and meditation practices.
  5. Teaching Methodology: Learn effective teaching techniques, class sequencing, and the business aspects of teaching yoga.
  6. Safety and Modifications: Understand how to modify poses for different abilities and ensure safety during practice.


  1. Certified Yoga Teacher: Graduates will be certified to teach yoga and will have a comprehensive understanding of yoga practices.
  2. In-depth Yoga Knowledge: A solid foundation in yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology.
  3. Teaching Confidence: Ability to confidently lead a yoga class, including adapting classes for various levels and needs.
  4. Personal Growth: Enhanced personal growth, self-awareness, and mindfulness.


  1. Physical Health: Improved strength, flexibility, and overall physical health.
  2. Mental Well-being: Enhanced mental clarity, reduced stress, and improved emotional balance.
  3. Professional Skills: Acquisition of skills and certification needed to teach yoga professionally.
  4. Community and Network: Connections with like-minded individuals and a supportive community.
  5. Personal Fulfillment: A deeper connection to oneself and an enriched life through the principles of yoga.


The GoInwards RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) 200-hour syllabus is designed to meet the standards set by Yoga Alliance for a comprehensive foundational yoga teacher training program. Here’s an outline of what typically is included in the RYT 200 syllabus:

1. Techniques, Training, and Practice (100 Hours)

    • Asana (Yoga Postures): Detailed instruction and practice of various yoga postures, including alignment, adjustments, and modifications.
    • Pranayama (Breath Control): Techniques for controlling and regulating breath.
    • Meditation: Different forms of meditation practices and techniques.
    • Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques): Traditional yoga cleansing practices.

2. Teaching Methodology (25 Hours)

  • Teaching Techniques: Effective teaching skills, communication, and how to structure a class.
  • Class Management: Techniques for managing different levels of students in a class.
  • Adjustments and Assisting: How to safely adjust and assist students in their practice.

3. Anatomy and Physiology (20 Hours)

  • Human Anatomy: Basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology as it relates to yoga practice.
  • Energy Anatomy: Understanding of chakras, nadis, and the subtle body.
  • Injury Prevention: Knowledge of common injuries and how to prevent them.

4. Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics (30 Hours)

  • Yoga Philosophy: Study of ancient yoga texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavad Gita, and other relevant literature.
  • Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Ethical guidelines for yoga teachers, including the principles of Yamas and Niyamas.
  • Lifestyle: Understanding the yogic lifestyle, including diet, personal practices, and conduct.

5. Practicum (10 Hours)

  • Practice Teaching: Students practice teaching to each other under supervision.
  • Feedback: Receiving and giving feedback on teaching practices.
  • Observations: Observing experienced teachers and reflecting on their teaching styles.

6. Electives and Special Topics (15 Hours)

  • Specialty Classes: Training on specialty classes such as prenatal yoga, yoga for seniors, or yoga therapy.
  • Workshops: Participation in workshops on specific yoga-related topics.

Additional Components

  • Homework and Self-Study: Reading assignments, practice logs, and reflection papers.
  • Final Assessments: Practical exams, written exams, or projects to assess understanding and proficiency.

Example of a Detailed Weekly Breakdown

Week 1: Foundations of Yoga Practice

  • Introduction to Yoga Philosophy and History
  • Basic Asanas and Alignment
  • Introduction to Pranayama Techniques

Week 2: Building the Practice

  • Intermediate Asanas and Modifications
  • Anatomy and Physiology Basics
  • Introduction to Teaching Methodology

Week 3: Deepening Understanding

  • Advanced Asanas and Adjustments
  • Deep Dive into Yoga Philosophy and Ethics
  • Practicum: Practice Teaching Sessions

Week 4: Refining Skills

  • Integration of Pranayama, Meditation, and Kriyas
  • Advanced Teaching Techniques
  • Final Practicum and Feedback Sessions

This structured curriculum designed by GoInwards ensures that graduates are well-prepared to embark on their journey as yoga instructors, equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on their students’ lives.

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